with bells on的用法与搭配
- She is young . She does everything with bells on .
- 她年轻,她做一切事情都满怀热情。
- Where do you even find sheets with bells on them ?
- 你从哪儿找到的带铃铛的床单?
- I asked the mother how she kept track of their lively daughter . I tie little bells on her shoes she said with a laugh .
- 我问这位母亲怎样跟踪她那活泼可爱的女儿,她笑着回答:“我在她的鞋子上系上了小铃。”
- I 'd like to go to the farewell party with bells on .
- 我极想参加这个告别宴会。
- I 'll be at the party with bells on .
- 我一定要参加晚会。
- Most jellyfish don 't have eyes but sea wasps have several clusters of them on their bells complete with lenses irises and corneas .
- 大部分的水母没有眼睛,但“海黄蜂”的伞状体上却有好几组眼睛,具有完整的晶状体、虹膜和眼角膜。
- I was looking more carefully now at all the ornaments chelsea hillary and I put on our tree and at the bells books christmas plates stockings pictures and standing santa clauses with which we filled the yellow oval room
- 此时此刻,我更仔细地注视着我、切尔西、希拉里挂到圣诞树上的所有饰物,注视着我们在黄色椭圆厅里摆满的铃铛、书、圣诞餐具、长筒袜、照片、站立的圣诞老人像。